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每天,估计有2.全世界产生了5万亿字节的数据. 人们相信很可能会有 到2025年将有175zb的数据.


毫无疑问,对能够提供资源的专业人士的需求将会继续增加, 收集, 管理, 从数据中挖掘并提出可行的建议. 从Netflix到谷歌,再到科技驱动的初创公司, 世界各地的公司都依靠数据驱动的决策来支持创新, 获取客户并优化性能. 

数据分析专业人员必须适应最新的工具, 该领域的技术和最佳实践. 这就是分析认证发挥作用的地方. 不断地在自己的角色中表现出色, 数据专业人员依赖于按需分析认证. 

在数据分析领域, there are a wide variety of credentials offered from professional organizations to individual software providers. 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看有哪些可用的选择,以及哪些可能最适合您.


今天的公司运行的软件和系统都是由最值得信赖的科技公司开发的. It is often preferred that analytics professionals have certificates or certifications in the major tech stack. 这些通常包括以下内容: 


原因: Professionals seek this certificate to close the skills gap in the areas of machine learning and data science. Analytics professionals may seek this badge to level up their skills to apply for more specialized roles in an organization. 

你会学到什么: 您将学习数据可视化等数据科学方法, 使用Python进行数据分析, SQL数据库中的数据收集和机器学习建模.  

You will also work through a series of applied learning labs in the IBM cloud where you can gain practical experience with data libraries like Pandas, Seaborn, SciPy和Scikit-learn.  

所需条件: 该证书课程可通过以下途径在线获得 十大正规赌博平台大全排行与Coursera的合作. 学习者将支付35美元/月的订阅费,并将完成一系列10个自学模块. 推荐的10小时/周的速度意味着你可以在大约6个月内完成证书. 

2. 微软认证:Power BI数据分析师助理 

收件人: Data professionals and business analyst professionals who want to use Microsoft Power BI to interpret and visualize large data sets. 

你会学到什么: 一个理想的认证计划,帮助人们磨练他们的技能准备, 建模, 可视化, 以及使用Power BI部署数据. 此认证将帮助您以一种可以推动组织成功的方式可视化数据点.

所需条件: 有两种方法可以获得该认证. 学生可以选择自学的在线课程,并参加最终的认证考试,费用为165美元. 或者,学生可以选择由微软合作伙伴提供的为期3天的讲师指导课程. 费用因讲师的不同而不同.

3. 微软认证Azure数据科学家助理 

收件人:  更有经验或更高级的数据专业人员,专门在Microsoft Azure中操作. 

你会学到什么: Before starting this certification program you should have experience with Azure Databricks and Azure Machine Learning. That’s because to earn this certification you’ll learn about predictive models and data experiments as well as deploying machine learning models using Azure systems.

所需条件: 有两种方法可以获得该认证. 学生可以选择自学的在线课程,并参加最终的认证考试,费用为165美元. 或者,学生可以选择由微软合作伙伴提供的为期3天的讲师指导课程. 费用因讲师的不同而不同.

4. 谷歌数据分析证书 

收件人: 任何经验和培训有限,想要开发数据分析基础培训的人. 

你会学到什么: This certificate course will provide you with baseline information around using data to solve business problems, 分析数据并可视化你的发现, 用这些数据讲故事. 从技术的角度来看,特别关注R.

这个八门课程的系列课程是由谷歌的分析师开发的. It includes a number of application projects to provide you with an opportunity to gain practical experience with key analysis tools and platforms.

所需条件: 该证书课程可通过十大正规赌博平台大全排行与Coursera的合作在线获得. 学习者将支付35美元/月的订阅费,并将完成一系列5个自学模块. 你可以在大约5个月内完成证书. The advantage offered through the FranklinWORKS Marketplace is that if you decide you want to build on your certificate, you'll get learning credits from the Google Analytics 证书 that can save you time and money toward a degree.

5. Cloudera数据平台通才  

收件人: 从事或渴望从事大数据工作的专业人士, 特别是那些雇主在Cloudera CDH环境上运行报告的人. 

你会学到什么: You can 管理 and build your data analysis proficiency using the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) while earning this certification. You’ll review basics like system administration tasks to more complex uses of CDP including solution development and data analysis.

所需条件: 要获得认证,学生必须通过一个90分钟的考试. 学生可以通过Cloudera订阅培训材料. 这个订阅的费用是每月300美元.

如果你不确定从哪里开始,咨询你的雇主或理想雇主. Many organizations may have preferential tools or technology stacks and will look for specific certifications in the recruitment process. 


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There are also certifications that can be earned that are not focused on a singular technical platform but on the field of data analysis in a more holistic manner. 个人获得这些证书通常是为了拓宽他们的技能, 提高他们的薪资或获得内部晋升或绩效奖励. 


1. 副认证分析专家(aCAP) 

收件人: Certified Analytics Professionals provides one of the leading industry certification programs by providing a high-level focus on the “7 Domains of the Analytics Process.” An aCAP certification provides recent college graduates who have minimal practical experience with an opportunity to explore business problem framing, 方法选择, 模型构建和部署因素.


2. 注册分析专家(CAP) 



3. 情景应用程序认证 

收件人: SAS certifications are recognized around the globe because of their ability to help certificate owners improve their job performance. SAS数据分析专业人员证书侧重于预测建模, 文本分析和数据优化.

所需费用:预测建模认证考试的费用是250美元. 所有其他认证考试的费用为180美元/门.


证书也可以通过大学课程获得. Many prefer going this route knowing that they are getting the knowledge and experience of the university staff in an encapsulated format.

一个例子是 数据分析研究生证书 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的项目. This fully online certificate enables you to improve your understanding and skill-base without conflicting with other work/life commitments. 这个程序将提高你的统计学知识, 数据库, 数据可视化, 数据挖掘和大数据技术.

This certificate from Franklin is a great entry point into the analytics field as you don’t need a STEM background to pursue it. 作为额外的奖励, 因为十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供的证书是更广泛的教育计划的延伸, 它有资格获得经济援助,这使得它更容易获得. Plus a certificate can also set you on a path toward earning your master’s degree as many of the credits you will have earned for your certificate will count toward several of Franklin’s data-focused degrees.


获得数据分析领域的证书有很多选择. 那么你如何决定哪一个是最适合你的呢? 考虑一下研究生水平证书提供的三个优势: 

  • 开发不依赖于单一技术平台的需求技能. Wanting to improve your knowledge and skills in a particular area right now is great but don’t forget to forecast your future. 你想去哪里? 你想做什么? The answers to these questions can help guide you to a certificate program that will help you reach those goals.
  • 处理现实世界的项目,提高你的技能. Graduate-level courses from reputable and accredited institutions typically require students to work on hypothetical scenarios or challenges that come straight from the real-world. 而不是学习如何通过考试, 学生学习如何运用方法和技能来解决具体的挑战. 
  • 建立一个专业的关系网,这样你就能永远得到回报. 不像技术平台认证和行业机构认证, going through a rigorous program with dedicated professors and peers results in developing a network that the student can continue to tap for new opportunities long after graduation. 


Professional certificates and certifications can provide you with an opportunity to grow your knowledge and potentially your career at the same time. 这是因为知识越多,机会就越多.

Explore how you can take advantage of the opportunity in the data analytics field by building in-demand skills quickly with a data analytics certificate program from 十大正规赌博平台大全排行.

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